Dr. Martin Soder and Dr. Imogen Dalmann Dr. Martin Soder and Dr. Imogen Dalmann are medical practitioners in Berlin, Germany. They are also Yoga teachers and were students of Śrī TKV Desickachar. They also published a Yoga journal in German called “Viveka.” This article was originally published in KYM...
Dr Latha Satish Dr Latha Satish shares her insights on how to apply Yoga Therapy in specific mental health issues. When it comes to Yoga Therapy, we have to understand that our focus is not clinical psychopathology. Therefore, the idea is not to present and discuss about what is...
Śrī S Sridharan The following article is a transcription of a talk delivered by Śrī S Sridharan, Senior Mentor & Therapist of Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram at Śrī Lakshmi Venkateswara Temple, San Diego, United States of America on the 21st June 2024, on the birth anniversary of Śrī TKV Desikachar...
TM Srinivasan (Source: KYM Darśanam, November 1994, Vol. 3, No. 3) Practice of Āsana-s has become the prime pre-occupation of teachers and students of Yoga. While Āsana-s have an important role in maintaining homeostasis at the physiological level, it is obvious that it is not the end all of Yoga...
TV Venkataraman (Source: KYM Darśanam, November 1994, Vol. 3, No. 3) In ancient India, while the tree of Saṁskṛtam flourished and sent out many branches, Tamil language and culture flourished independent of it and existed as a tree in itself. Among the many great works of Tamil literature, the...